Fundación 99 invites you to its first Webinar Series on rural education in Chile and Latin America

Fundación 99 invites you to its first Webinar Series on rural education in Chile and Latin America

We invite you to join “Today’s Rural Education: Challenges and Opportunities” Webinar Series, to raise awareness on the challenges, opportunities and good practices in Latin American rural education.
We invite you to join “Today’s Rural Education: Challenges and Opportunities” Webinar Series, to raise awareness on the challenges, opportunities and good practices in Latin American rural education.
Ciclo de webinars

We invite you to participate in the Webinar Series “Today’s Rural Education: Challenges and Opportunities”, aiming to raise awareness on the challenges, opportunities and good practices in Latin American rural education. 

These seminars are organized in partnership with the Ministry of Education’s Rural Education National Coordination, the Ministry of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research and Policies Office, the Chilean Rural Teachers’ Association, the Mexican Research Thematic Network on Rural Education (RIER) and with the Colombian Fabula Project. 

It will be divided in three main topics: The rural school in pandemic times: Latin American experiences and good practices; Post-Pandemic Education, do we want to go back to the previous way of teaching? New paradigms and rural education; and, what does rural education teaches us? Stay connected on our social networks, where dates and registration links of all our events will be posted.

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We believe the best way to achieve a sustainable social development is by reducing inequality, strengthening social cohesion and assuming responsabilities cooperatively.


We believe the best way to achieve a sustainable social development is by reducing inequality, strengthening social cohesion and assuming responsabilities cooperatively.